What determines my joy and health?
The mind is the most important part of you. That is where you experience your emotions, and it controls the rest of the body. If your mind is healthy, then you feel great, and your body is robust. But if you have had multiple psychological injuries, you are 5 times more likely to develop depression than someone who has had none. You are 310% more likely to have a heart attack, and 250% more likely to develop cancer. Psychological injuries are the single biggest cause of mental health problems, and play a huge role in 7 of the 10 causes of premature death.
Deep healing is available.
Psychological injuries can be healed at a very deep level. One study found that people with major trauma in their lives had as many breaks in their DNA as people who had been exposed to an atomic bomb. But when their psychological injuries were treated effectively, their DNA became as healthy as people who had never experienced any trauma. Not receiving treatment, or getting the wrong kind, had no effect on their level of DNA breakage. Imagine. If you get the right healing, it can reach so deep that it even alters your DNA, in every cell of your body.

What can I do?
Knowledge is power. And with the knowledge on this page, you can now take full control of your life.